Encourage Children To See The Magic And Love Mother Earth

cropped-little-boy-and-fairy-in-a-jar2.jpg    fairies and mushroomsSleeping Baby FairyI See the moon

We have a fairy in our midst who used to be human. She was born human and throughout the years has evolved into a fairy. It does happen sometimes, you know.  I bring this to your attention because we have learned so much from her about human beings. Her name is now Oak Willowglimmer. Oak has wonderful memories and shares them with us when we are in our circles at night. One of her earliest memories is seeing fireflies or lightening bugs for the first time. She just knew they were fairies, although some adults said they were just flying bugs. Oak knew better and refused to catch them in jars like the other children would do. If I remember correctly, she said she was about 3 years old at the time.

Another memory she has is looking under mushrooms that grew in her yard and seeing the little blades of grass that bent over on each side of the mushroom; you know like those concrete tables that have an umbrella in the middle and benches around the table. Oak’s mother told her that fairies had parties at night and would sit around the benches.  Isn’t that great? 

The soil of the Earth was important to Oak’s mother.  Her mother grew up on a farm and her family grew much of their food. Oak’s mother would work the soil in their little backyard by mixing in the compost (right from the kitchen’s green scraps) and mixing in earthworms. On weekends, they would drive around looking for houses with yard clippings out on the road. She knew that beautiful plants and trees would grow from these leftovers, discarded by others.

Oak also grew up with ducks and chickens and enjoyed their wonderful eggs. Her mother was always bringing home a stray cat or dog to live. Once, she let Oak take a fish aquarium and put two frogs in it. Naturally, before long tadpoles were everywhere and they eventually grew into frogs and footmen for princesses.

Now that Oak is a full-fledged fairy, she lives in the world she knew existed, but was always just a breath away from. She often tells us that if she had not become a fairy, it would be alright because she believed and would always believe because her human mother introduced her to the possibility of believing and encouraged her imagination. Great things grow from imagination, you know. 

We fairies often watch children when no one knows and see how children find enchantment in the most obvious places and objects; however their parents often do not see the same. Expensive toys are quickly set aside for magic cardboard boxes that turn into spaceships. A game in the backyard is abandoned when a child sees a wee river of water from a garden hose, that is moving quickly and carrying blades of grass with the current. Well, everyone knows that grass blades are surfboards for fairies. 

There is a special lady who creates magic from pieces of nature: nut shells that make a fairy house and stones from a river. She encourages the imagination and creativity of children AND their parents. This lady paints with the children and shows them how to color eggs and so much more. She can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/joyfulartiststudio. Check it out! She posts magical and creative ideas for children. We need more humans to do this. We think that most parents do encourage their children, but the rest of the family and adult friends need to do it too. We fairies depend upon the belief that children have in us. We thrive and take great delight seeing a child’s face seeing a fairy for the first time. 

Children appreciate magic and fairies. The Earth and the creatures upon it appreciate us as well. In turn, we so appreciate your children and Mother Earth and its creatures.  Let’s form a circle of appreciation and work to nurture all children, the Earth and animals. We promise you will never regret it!  xoxoxo

Miniature Garden with Fairy

Side view of small blue bonsai with fairy, Timothy and hanging candle - with pondoverheadside view

I love this little garden.  It’s a very small bright blue bonsai garden, with the land and water feature….simple, with a fairy on a leaf, with the garden’s treasure, a hanging candle for night light, and Timothy, the Toad, is sitting on a boulder in the bonsai pond.  Sweet garden!  xoxo

Quotes, Sayings and Poems About Fairies

Quotes, Sayings and Poems About Fairies

The fairy poet takes a sheet
Of moonbeam, silver white;
His ink is dew from daisies sweet,
His pen a point of light.
~Joyce Kilmer

No child but must remember laying his head in the grass, staring into the infinitesimal forest and seeing it grow populous with fairy armies.  ~Robert Louis Stevenson, Essays in The Art of Writing

Buttercups in the sunshine look like little cups of gold.
Perhaps the Faeries come to drink the raindrops that they hold.
~Elizabeth T. Dillingham, “A Faery Song”

Are those the magic fairy wands
glistening on the tree
or only winter icicles that I see?
~Author Unknown